About us

Faith Outreach Ministries (DBA) Good Times Thrift
Good Times Thrift strives to be a benefit to this community.

There was lots of thought and prayer in the decision to stay privately owned or go non-profit. At this time we have decided to stay privately owned as it is a lot easier to help people in nee without all the government restrictions of a non-profit. Because of this we are unable to give out donation receipts. At a later date we may decide to go non-profit but there is also a huge cost dollar-wise for that to go through the federal government and we would rather do something with that money locally.

Money from the store is used to pay for all operating costs. We employ a couple people from the community but also have volunteers who work for merchandise. At Christmas time we will match the money collected from the donation jar. If there is someone in the community who has a fire, they are welcome to come and get things they need for no cost. If there are some that are struggling with life's problems financially, they can come in and get what they need at no cost, just come in and talk to anyone here at the store, tel them the situation and they will assist you. There are times all somebody wants is to talk and also be prayed for. At times we have assisted in helping someone find a place to stay for a short time. When there is profit monies we help those with special needs. These are a few examples of the things we do which is all for God's glory and none of our own. We strive to make this store a blessing to the community, a d to be representatives of Christ's love for all.
